Saturday, March 9, 2013


Monday, March 4, 2013

Family history key to heart health

Family history is one of the strongest predictors of heart disease, according to an expert.

"If you look at how heart disease occurs, about 80 percent takes place in people with a strong family history," said University of Alabama atBirmingham (UAB) Department of Epidemiology Professor and Chair Donna Arnett.

Arnett, who is serving as the president of theAmerican Heart Association (AHA), said this message goes hand in hand with following the AHA's "Life's Simple 7": getting active, controlling cholesterol, eating better, managing blood pressure, losing weight, reducing blood sugar and quittingsmoking.

"Though we know those seven major factors, we still don't completely know all of the causes of heart disease. But with a family history, even in the absence of those risk factors, heart disease is still possible. It's important to know family history," Arnett said.

She added that for people who are adopted or have no way of knowing their family's history of heart health, it becomes even more important they monitor their numbers by visiting a doctor and having necessary screenings.

Arnett noted that heart disease is the number-one killer of women.

"It's not a man's disease or woman's disease; it's a person's disease," she said.

"The signs of a heart attack can be different than typical chest pain in the center of your chest. If you're experiencing something that makes you feel 'off,' whether it be extreme fatigue, shortness of breath or pain in the upper body, back or neck, go and have it checked out," she suggested.

10 Habits that can harm your heart

Each year brings new research and numbers inheart health ailments. The biggest reason for almost all heart problems is lifestyle.
Nearly 90 per cent of heart problems are associated with lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking, overeating, and lack of exercise. Therefore, even a small, positive change in your lifestyle can give you a healthier heart. Hence, in order to get that positive change, we give you a list of top 10 habits that you need to avoid to improve heart health.

Too much TV
Spending too much time in front of the tv can be hazardous to your heart, according to a study conducted by The Journal of the American College of Cardiology in 2011.

Even if you exercise regularly and watch TV for more than 4 hours a day, it can double the risk of stroke or cardiac arrest, even causing hospitalization or death.

Diet soda
Consuming diet soda regularly can be cool for summer heat, but it can be a disaster for your heart health.

Regular consumption of diet sodas may increase the risk of stroke or other heart disease, even if the patients do not have a history of heart disease.

Though consumption of red wine has some heart healthy properties, excessive consumption of any type of alcohol is not good.

Excess alcohol can increase calories and also disrupt your sleep patterns, in turn harming your heart. 

Sleeping (too much/little)
Sleeping for less than five hours or more than nine hours can elevate your blood pressure andstress level. Moreover, it also increases the risk of coronary diseases.

All of us have to go through a moment of stress, depression and tension, due to some reason or the other.

Naturally, you can't get away with these emotions easily, but the way you handle these emotions can take a toll on your heart health.

Besides being annoying, it is also a sign of sleep apnea.

People with sleep apnea have an increased risk of heart problems because they usually breathe in intervals, which causes the blood pressure to increase.

Over exercising
Exercising past your limit puts a strain on your heart, which results in heart fatigue or fainting. Hence, never push yourself beyond your limit. However, since the majority of people everywhere usually exercise below or up to moderate activity levels, this is a problem that only exists for a very minor group.

Oral hygiene
Bad oral health can give you bad breath and can also increase the chances of cardiac arrest.

Wondering how both are related? It is because bacterias from the gums pass through the blood vessels, which narrows the passages and reduces the blood flow, which further risk your heart health.

Over eating
Obesity is the leading cause of heart problems. And obesity is caused because of eating too much and not exercising.

Hence, try to eat less, avoid sugary and high calorie food items, to live a healthy life.

Smoking even one cigarette a day, can double the risk of heart problems. Besides, heart problems, it causes cancer and many other pulmonary diseases. 

Hence quit it before it is too late.

Friday, March 1, 2013